Today’s episode of Finding Fit has us a bit nervous. As we tiptoe into the deep waters of our encounter with spiritual abuse, we felt it was important to take you back to ground zero of our spiritual history, formation, and church experiences from birth until now.  Though these are our honest, vulnerable stories, we still feel a bit nervous (and perhaps even fearful) to share them with you.

We know that discussions about church, theology, denomination, and Christian culture are hard...and, at times, divisive.  The last thing we want to do is bring additional dissension and debate into an already tumultuous arena. But to be honest, one of the main reasons we started this podcast was to share this story in particular.  It’s important to us because not only is it an important part of who we are, but also how we love.

As you listen, please know that our intent isn’t to mischaracterize our faith, those who helped shape it, or, most importantly, who God is in our lives today.  We sincerely hope you hear our gratitude for a God who loves us despite our flawed theology, naive decisions, and wild pursuits.

Thanks for listening.