Robert Persinger, co-host of Gentlemen Overlords and associate producer of Doughboys, introduces us to the world of reaction videos, explains how to listen to a "watch along" recording, and shares some of his favorite content creators in this genre. We also talk about cats, Empress Gin, theme parks and the comfort of a rewatch.

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Gentlemen Overlords

Show Links

Awkward Ashleigh
Alanda Parker
Popcorn in Bed
Brandon Likes Movies
Twins are the new Trend
Robert on Fresh Questions? Air talking about Reaction Videos
Seattle Japanese Garden
Newcomers Rise of Skywalker Watchalong
2001 Space Odyssey at Music Box Theater
Scaredy Cats Horror Show
The Friendship Onion
Podcast the Ride
The Sloppy Boys
Why Won't You Date Me Chicago Live Show with Nick, Mitch and Gabrus
High & Mighty
The Gravitron still exists
Empress Gin
Understanding parasocial relationships
As a bonus, the blog post that ultimately led to this podcast.


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