Lucas Cao, president of Squid Industries, got so into flipping balisong knives (AKA butterfly knives) that he turned his hobby into a manufacturing company. Lucas walks me through the skills-based hobby of flipping and how his search for an affordable, quality knife turned into opening his own company to make the knives and trainers he wanted to see in the world.

Show Links

Squid Industries on Instagram and #balisongtrainer for videos

2017 Bali Buyers Guide with Ben Petersen and Lucas Cao

Speed Solving

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Bladeshow Trade Shows

Balisong SubReddit

That one post on Reddit with a Squidtrainer

Deanza Community College

Vertical CNC Mill


Benchmade 51 Morpho

Bradley Kimura

Bradley Kimura XI

Full Squid Industries line-up of trainers, knives and accessories