In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Susie Moore, a former Silicon Valley executive turned life and business coach. Susie shares her background and career journey, and emphasizes the importance of taking action towards your goals, being self-aware, and maintaining a positive attitude. Susie also discussed the power of media coverage in growing any business and the importance of confidence in achieving success. She encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zone and take small, consistent actions towards your goals to build confidence and trust in yourself.

What We Discuss:

Introduction [00:00:00]
Stu Mason introduces the podcast and the guest, Susie Moore, a former Silicon Valley VP turned life and business coach.

Susie Moore's background and coaching philosophy [00:01:08]
Stu and Susie discuss her background, coaching philosophy, and her books. They also talk about how to find one's passion, confidence, and taking action towards goals.

Susie Moore's early life and career journey [00:04:15]
Susie talks about her early life, growing up with instability, and her goal of having a nice home, a healthy relationship, and making enough money to take care of her mom. She also shares how she landed a $500,000 a year VP role in Silicon Valley with just a high school diploma and why she left that job to pursue her true dream life.

Self-awareness and personal development [00:09:29]
Susie Moore talks about the importance of becoming self-aware and studying personal development books to present oneself in a more pleasing way to the world.

Enjoying life and finding meaning [00:11:51]
Susie Moore discusses the core purpose of life, which is to enjoy it, and how to regret-proof our lives by having a good daily experience.

Questioning our thoughts and finding meaning [00:14:45]
Susie Moore talks about questioning our thoughts and the meaning we attach to situations to relieve suffering and upgrade our beliefs.

Making the Leap [00:19:16]
Susie talks about her decision to leave her corporate job and pursue her side hustle as a life coach, the defining moment that led to her resignation, and the importance of taking small steps towards one's goals.

Principles for a Smooth Transition [00:23:33]
Susie shares three principles that helped her make a smooth transition from her corporate job to her coaching business, including managing one's own mind, setting goals and taking action, and using media coverage to build awareness.

Getting Media Coverage [00:25:19]
Susie discusses the importance of believing in one's own worthiness and expertise, and shares tips for getting media coverage, including identifying one's area of expertise and being generous in sharing it with others.

Getting Media Coverage [00:26:49]
Susie Moore shares tips on how to get media coverage, including consuming media outlets and creating helpful content.

Creating Your Own Emotions [00:29:12]
Susie Moore discusses how we create our own emotions and the importance of being unattached to outcomes.

The Importance of Confidence [00:34:03]
Susie Moore explains the importance of confidence in achieving goals and defines it as a willingness to be uncomfortable.

Jumping into discomfort [00:36:27]
Stu and Susie discuss how discomfort can lead to confidence and taking action towards goals.

Biggest misconceptions about confidence [00:38:16]
Susie talks about how confidence doesn't have to be loud and that it's not necessarily earned through winning.

Taking action towards finding direction [00:41:29]
Susie suggests asking oneself what they would do if they knew the next step of their life was going to work out and taking an uncomfortable action within the next 24 hours.

Episode Resources:

Susie Moore's Website 

Book: "What If It Does Work Out" (Website)

Book: "Stop Checking Your Likes" (Website)

Book: "Let it Be Easy" (Website)

Susie Moore's Podcast (Website)