In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I share my personal experience with cancer and the lessons I learned from it. I want to emphasize the importance of the seeds we plant in our minds and how they can impact our experiences. Through my experience with cancer, I learned three powerful lessons: the power of positive thinking, taking action, and finding purpose in difficult situations. I hope that my story will inspire listeners to reflect on the seeds they plant in their own minds and to choose ones that serve them well.

What We Discuss:

Lesson 1: The Power of Seeds [00:04:52] Stu shares his experience of noticing a mass in his body while traveling in New Zealand and how he chose to plant a seed of positivity and not panic during his cancer journey.

Lesson 2: Finding Purpose [00:08:08] Stu talks about how his cancer journey helped him find his purpose and how listeners can also find their purpose in life.

Lesson 3: Gratitude [00:11:20] Stu discusses the importance of gratitude and how it helped him stay positive during his cancer journey.

Lesson 1: Finding the Mass [00:08:28] Stu shares how he found a mass in his body while in New Zealand and how he decided to enjoy his time there before going to the hospital.

Lesson 2: Taking a Step Forward [00:13:06] Stu talks about the importance of taking a step forward in the right direction, even when things look bad, using his experience recovering from surgery as an example.

Lesson 3: Everything Happens for a Reason [00:15:55] Stu shares how the belief that everything happens for a reason helped him get through his cancer journey and encourages listeners to adopt this belief during tough times.

Belief that everything happens for a reason [00:20:12] Stu shares the lesson he learned about believing that everything happens for a reason and how it can serve you to get to the next phase of your journey.

Every breath is a gift [00:17:20, 00:18:19, 00:19:22] Stu emphasizes the importance of cherishing every breath we take and not taking it for granted, especially after experiencing cancer and losing a friend to it.

Lessons learned from cancer [00:20:12] Stu summarizes the four most powerful lessons he gained from going through cancer, including the importance of the seeds we plant in our brain and taking the first step towards getting better.

Episode Resources:

Stu’s IG - @stumassengill (Website)