On this episode of the Finding Direction Podcast, I chat with Laura Gassner Otting, a bestselling author, catalyst, executive coach, and keynote speaker. Laura shared her journey, including her time as a presidential appointee to Bill Clinton, a law school dropout, and founder of a successful search firm. We discussed topics such as ignoring others' plans for your life, the necessity of big pivots, and the challenges of success. Laura also shared her perspective on finding direction in life, emphasizing the importance of questioning where our definition of success comes from and whether it aligns with our own goals and values.

What We Discuss:

Laura's Journey [00:01:49] Laura Gassner Otting shares her journey from being a presidential appointee to Bill Clinton, a law school dropout, and founder of a successful search firm.

The Importance of Stumbles and Bumbles [00:02:43] Laura emphasizes the significance of the stumbles and bumbles in life that make us interesting and help us learn about ourselves.

From Law School Dropout to White House [00:04:16] Laura talks about dropping out of law school and joining Bill Clinton's campaign, which eventually led her to work in the White House and help create the Americorps program.

Becoming a Head Hunter [00:05:42] Laura shares how she became a head hunter and worked for five years before realizing that there was a better way to do the work.

Founding Her Own Firm [00:06:31] Laura talks about leaving her previous job and founding her own search firm, which she ran successfully for 15 years before selling it to her colleagues.

Laura's journey to becoming a speaker and author [00:07:08] Laura shares how she went from being terrified of public speaking to becoming a successful author and keynote speaker.

The importance of embracing twists and turns in life [00:08:51] Laura and Stu discuss how embracing unexpected changes and pivots in life can lead to a more interesting and fulfilling life.

Failure as a fulcrum for growth [00:11:47] Laura talks about how failure is not the end, but rather a place for learning and growth. She emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's failures and learning from them.

Big Pivots [00:14:55] The importance of allowing ourselves to make big pivots in life and not caring about what others think.

Leaving Law School [00:15:24] Laura's experience of dropping out of law school and the fear of disappointing her parents.

Parents' Expectations [00:18:25] The pressure of meeting parents' expectations and the need to follow our own hearts.

Having Conversations [00:19:26] The importance of having conversations with others about our decisions and motivations.

Moisturizer Sales Pitch [00:22:01] The importance of selling a solution to a problem rather than just listing percentages.

Magic Mind [00:22:46] A product that helps with focus and productivity, with a discount code for listeners.

Wonder Hell [00:26:29] The idea that success can bring both wonder and anxiety, and how it affects people.

Working Through Wonder Hell [00:29:48] How to move past the anxiety and stress that comes with success and find balance.

Thriving in Wonder Hell [00:30:33] Embracing ambition, renegotiating emotions, and using wonder hell as a foundation for growth.

The S-Curve [00:34:49] The importance of a beginner's mindset and avoiding self-sabotage by recognizing when it's time to jump to the next curve.

Ignoring others' plans [00:37:37] Laura talks about how sometimes direction finds you and it's usually somebody else handing you their direction. She shares her personal experience of how she could have been a lawyer if she listened to her teacher or Mrs. No Spark Allen if she listened to her grandmother.

Defining your own success [00:38:17] Laura emphasizes the importance of defining your own success and not blindly following someone else's definition. She shares her experience of how she felt strongly about putting clients first instead of profits first, which was her boss's definition of success.

Finding Laura [00:39:39] Laura shares where listeners can find her on social media and where they can buy her book.

Finding direction [00:40:17] Laura suggests that listeners ask themselves where their definition of success came from and if it actually works for them as a way to start finding direction in their life.

Episode Resources:

Laura's Website (Website)

Wonderhell (Website)

Instagram @heylgo (Website)