In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I discuss the importance of creating a schedule to achieve goals and live a fulfilling life. Personally, I have a routine for creating a weekly schedule that works well for me, but I encourage listeners to design their own schedules based on their preferences. Having a schedule is crucial to saving time and staying focused on tasks, while also allowing for flexibility in adjusting the schedule. I cannot stress enough how important it is to take action and implement a schedule into your life to see real change. So, let's get started on creating a schedule that works for you!

What We Discuss:

Creating a Schedule [00:00:26] Stu explains the importance of creating a schedule to achieve goals and uses an analogy of a bowling alley with bumpers to illustrate how a schedule can help one reach their goals despite unexpected events.

Weekly Schedule [00:05:02] Stu shares his personal routine for creating a weekly schedule, which involves filling in commitments that are already on the calendar and asking oneself what are the three most important things that must be accomplished in a week to move towards desired life.

Scheduling Accomplishments [00:06:38] Stu gives an example of how to schedule accomplishments for the week and fill in the blank spaces in the weekly schedule.

Creating a Weekly Schedule [00:08:12] Stu shares his personal routine for creating a weekly schedule and how he converts it into a daily schedule.

Building a Daily Schedule [00:09:03] Stu explains how he plans out his entire day, including breaks and wind-down time, the night before.

The Power of Having a Schedule [00:09:48] Stu discusses how having a schedule saves time and helps one stay focused on tasks, even when unexpected events occur.

Flexibility in Scheduling [00:10:40] Stu emphasizes the importance of allowing flexibility in one's schedule and adjusting it as needed.

Benefits of a Weekly Schedule [00:11:30] Stu shares how having a weekly schedule has helped him be more productive and achieve his goals.

Encouragement to Take Action [00:12:17] Stu encourages listeners to take action and implement scheduling into their lives for real change to happen.