In this podcast episode, we discuss three ways to build momentum in life. I cannot stress enough the importance of momentum and I encourage you, to reminisce on a time when you felt you had momentum in your life. Let's dive into the first way to build momentum, which is to implement a practice called "capturing three wins a day." The second way is to start with one thing, and the third way is to take care of other parts of life. By taking small steps in other areas of your life, you can slowly build momentum and start to see progress in all areas of your life.

What We Discuss:

Introduction [00:00:00] Stu Massengill welcomes listeners and introduces the topic of the episode.

The Importance of Momentum [00:01:15] Stu discusses the importance of momentum in life and how it affects our ability to achieve our goals.

Capturing Three Wins a Day [00:03:00] Stu shares his practice of capturing three wins a day and how it helps to shift focus from what didn't work to what did work.

Start with One Thing [00:05:47] Stu encourages listeners to focus on one thing that they can achieve each day to move the needle forward in their life.

Taking Care of Other Parts of Your Life [00:07:22] Stu emphasizes the importance of taking care of other parts of our lives, such as exercise and nutrition, to build momentum in our overall well-being.

Building Momentum [00:08:13] Importance of taking care of other areas of life to build momentum and avoid feeling stuck.

Three Ways to Build Momentum [00:09:43] Recap of the three ways to build momentum: focus on one thing, capture wins, and take care of other areas of life.

Encouragement to Share [00:09:43] Encouragement to share the podcast episode with friends who may need to build momentum in their lives.

Episode Resources:

Stu’s IG - @stumassengill (Website)

Finding Direction Podcast on IG (Website)