Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers!

“In the end, the people that bail on their dreams often pursue a direction that isn’t right for them. Many didn’t learn, or they weren’t taught, that the only constant thing in life is change and the only secure thing resides inside of you, not outside.” - Kathy Caprino

At this very moment in time, the future -- and where we are all going as a society -- is on everyone’s mind more than ever. On this week’s Finding Brave show, I explore a critical power gap and chapter from my new book, The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss, which is Power Gap #6: Losing Sight of Your Thrilling Dream for Your Life.

Things will happen to each of us that derail our dreams, and often you’ll take a direction that you think is right for you, but it ends up being the wrong path. It’s a universal experience -- that what we once believed was possible and desirable can change, and we have to change as a result. If you don’t want to wake up unhappy years from now, you have to accept this fact and realize that you alone are responsible for you how you respond to the life that’s before you, and to the challenges and hardships that you’ve faced.

You alone have the power to shape your future, and now is the time to choose your own way in pursuit of the life you want to live and the mark you want to make in the world.