Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers! “

I understand that in some cases people truly have no options, for a variety of solid reasons, but for so many other people there are options. There are different avenues available, but we have to feel strong enough to find the right kind of help.” - Kathy Caprino

I’ve seen firsthand--and research and data confirm it--that there is widespread gender bias, sexual harassment, and other forms of unfair and illegal behaviors at work. From Chapter 5 of my new book, The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss, I share what has happened to me personally around mistreatment and sexual harassment as well as experiences from other women I’ve worked and spoken with, as the dynamics of these particular situations resemble in critical ways what millions of women around the world are experiencing.

Even though I started writing this book several years ago, all of these power gaps, including and especially this gap of Acquiescing Instead of Saying "STOP!" to Mistreatment, is even more relevant right now. I hope that anyone listening who has been on the receiving end of mistreatment will get something helpful from this episode. I believe with all my heart and soul -- and have dedicated the past 10 years of my life to teaching and supporting this principle -- that each and every one of us can take important bravery-boosting actions today that will generate new options for us, and help us muster the bravery and the power to stand up, speak truth to power, and do the important work we must to end abuse and mistreatment in the workplace.