Today, I interview Michaelene Cristini Risley who grew up in the midwest in an Italian Catholic family. From the start, she tells us that the pedestal men are put on in this culture makes women a little more hesitant to speak in their power. That, coupled with the typical idea that men leave the house but women must be married off, made Michealene want to rebel and live in her own way from a young age. 

After a couple of situations that occurred in her childhood, she distinctly remembers the voice inside her saying, "I'm going away now". She felt like she swallowed her voice and it was gone. She was afraid and intimidated, and she didn't feel safe. 

Michealene has worked in the field of human trafficking.  She learned about the people involved in this process and has made it her life's mission to be a force for good regarding this cause, among others. She hopes to educate people, build communication, and simply let people know that the issues we face don't have to continue – that there are solutions out there. 

Michealene has learned that a key to understanding her voice is in her ability to discern where, when, and how to use it. In her work advocating for abused and trafficked individuals, she has honed those skills, realizing that in some situations, speaking more than the bare minimum can put her or others in danger or compromise a situation. But there is also such beauty in the work she does, as she's able to powerfully speak up on behalf of others, often becoming the agent who leads to their rescue. The takeaway she wants to leave us with is gratitude. She is grateful for her life and the opportunities she's had to make a difference in this world.


Michealene Cristini Risley is an American writer, director, and human rights activist. She ran for the Americans Elect nomination for President of the United States in 2012 and is currently creating a new primetime live-action series based on her activism, called Warriors of the Light. 

Find Michealene here: 


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I’m Dr. Doreen Downing and I help people find their voice so they can speak without fear. Get the Free 7-Step Guide to Fearless Speaking​.