Today, I interview Candy Motzek who was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. Her father is black and her mother is white, and in those early times, many people didn't understand interracial couples and didn't always react well. Some were unkind. Candy says she felt like an "oddity". 

Already a quiet child, her quietness grew as she stayed in the background, carefully watching and listening to her world around her. In school, Candy had great groups of friends and she found her own way to shine through her intelligence and kindness. She sometimes took the road less traveled and ended up in groups of friends she maintained for years. But she has always felt the awareness that she's always the one who looks like her. She stood out a little.

In college and in developing her career, she came out of her shell more and more, but not in the traditional sense. Instead of staying quiet, people began to learn that Candy had lots of opinions on things, but she spoke carefully and with intention. She chose her moments. This gave her words more value and made ears perk up when she spoke. 

Throughout her work, Candy's ability to sensitively read a room and cautiously gauge situations led her to also become successful at "herding cats". She diffused situations and helped bring about a calm and safe environment. Having left the corporate world and become a coach, she continues to bring calm by reminding people that the negative voices we hear inside us are just there to protect us and remind us to be cautious, so we don't have to fight them and we can feel less burdened by our inner chatter. We all have negative thoughts, but they can make us stronger and more self-aware.


Candy Motzek is a bestselling author and podcast host of the show She Coaches Coaches, and is also a life and business coach for coaches. Candy helps smart people start successful coaching businesses, and she believes that coaching transforms lives and that being a coach is a calling. She helps coaches get unstuck and feel more confident so they can play bigger, sign clients, and create more meaningful success. She is a recovering corporate executive and engineer who combines practical strategy and mindset in her calming, unique approach. 

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