Today, I interview Brian Wagstaff whose first experience with speaking anxiety came as during his childhood. When asked to make a phone call for his mother, the call ended in embarrassment. From this point forward, Brian hesitated to speak up in social situations for fear of experiencing another embarrassing situation. 

As a teenager, he had a wardrobe mishap and ended up feeling quite humiliated about it, which didn't help. And again during those years, he experienced an unnerving band class error (not even his own!) which gave him stage fright in the most literal sense. 

Eventually after these experiences, Brian came to the realization that while he felt awful and wanted to be invisible, it probably wasn't still as big a deal to those who were in the position to criticize. We so often obsess over our own faults and mistakes that we don't realize that we're the only person obsessing over them. 

Brian now has the habit of asking two very important questions when these feelings come up. Today, he works with others as a coach, helping them navigate their own fear and self-doubt. He is now the owner of the Public Speakers Association!


Find Brian here: 


I'm your podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, and I help people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear. 

Get started now on your journey to your authentic voice by downloading my Free 7 Step Guide to Fearless Speaking:  

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I’m Dr. Doreen Downing and I help people find their voice so they can speak without fear. Get the Free 7-Step Guide to Fearless Speaking​.

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