Have you checked out Prime Connect yet? Whether you’re in the area and stuck at home with the kids, or living halfway across the country with no idea where to start in the gym, we have you covered. Prime Connect brings you Prime’s programming directly to your phone. Equipped with written descriptions, video demonstrations, and coach feedback!

Today both coaches from Prime Connect are throwing down on The Prime Podcast with another episode of Overrated OR Underrated. All on tracking data and static stretching. Enjoy!

Important Points:

Tracking Data

Tor - Overrated

Ty - Underrated

Ant - Overrated

In Tyler’s opinion it helps them to work towards goals in moderation and limits how much change occurs (programming hopping).

Anthony believes its a detriment to most. Logically most of us stop once we see that progress is not coming “fast enough.”

A coach is able to create a bigger conversation to understand how lifestyle and fitness connect. We want you to track to see consistency. Start with monitoring the weight you used during your workouts, and how you felt on a scale of 0-10?

Static Stretching

Tor - Underrated

Ty - Overrated

Ant - Underrated

Anthony believes it to be sometimes over glorified when people think that they can go under barbells or move into a harsh squat from a wall ball, without static stretching. You have to understand it’s not a right now game.

Tyler says it’s poorly prescribed, as people don’t perform it to its fullest potential. They stop the stretch before their nervous system has the opportunity to relax.

📲 Connect with Tyler on ALL the things:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tylerkallasy.dpt/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tylerkallasydpt

Prime Connect: https://www.primemvmnt-connect.com/

📲 Connect with us on ALL the things:

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Podcast: https://anchor.fm/findyourprime

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