On Episode 37 - Tyler Kallasy is back! For those that don’t know, Tyler is an OG trainer of Prime and way back to our earlier days as CrossFit Utica. He have been a traveling PT for three years now and currently putting his skills to the test in a contract in Washington. He is still a part of our team as he helps out remotely, with our remote clients, writing their programming behind the scenes.

This episode we take a different turn and Anthony, Tyler, and Tori sit down to rate some topics in the fitness world as either over or underrated. Enjoy!

Important Points:

2:00 - High Intensity Exercise

Tor - Overrated

Ty - Overrated

Ant - Mostly Overrated

There are so many other types of intensity that are beneficial. Low intensity is a time to focus in on your skills, knowledge, and form of the exercise and THEN you can put it into action at high intensity.

11:00 - Cardio

Tor - Overrated

Ty - Underrated

Ant - Overrated

A lot of people want to look “athletic.” But people don’t exactly know how to do that but they relate that to a high intensity level of cardio in order to slim down, but it is not the answer.

20:00 - Tempo

Tor - Underrated

Ty - Underrated

Ant - Underrated

Having a time based structure forces you to take control of your body, and slow you down with time to learn. Time under tension.

34:00 - Foam Rolling (and Massage Guns)

Tor - Overrated

Ty - Overrated

Ant - Overrated

People put too much trust into quick fixes as a “cure all.” If it hasn’t worked YET, what makes you think you need to keep doing it?

45:00 - Barefoot Training

Tor - Underrated

Ty - Overrated

Ant - Underrated

If we limit how we feel the world, we limit our ability to do things! Tyler comes on the offense, that if we have spent so many years with shoes, we almost reversed our nature to live without them.

📲 Connect with Tyler on ALL the things:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tylerkallasy.dpt/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tylerkallasydpt

Prime Connect: https://www.primemvmnt-connect.com/

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