What if we are not the problem? What if you're not deficient, defective, or have a "disorder"? What would it look like to work with yourself instead of against it?

Explore all of these questions and start making life easier on you.

- Jen's exploration in learning about ADHD

- Why labels are helpful and hurtful & the grey area on every spectrum

- The over-pathologicizing of behaviors

- How I view diagnoses & disorders

- 5 tips on how to work with your unique brain

- Coming home to yourself

- Getting support through 1:1 coaching and The Soulopreneur Collective

Links mentioned in the episode:

- Autism Spectrum article

- Apply for 1:1 coaching here

- Join The Soulopreneur Collective waitlist

- Subscribe to my email list

- Connect with me @jencuicoaching and check out my site jencui.com

Disclaimer: Don't try to self-diagnose if you are struggling, get a professional. I'm not a psychologist nor do I claim to be, all the information in this podcast is simply information and perspectives for you to think on.