Are you finding it challenging to ignite your Feminine Fire within your dating life, or perhaps aiming to keep the magnetism alive within your existing relationship? If that resonates, then you're in the right place!

In this week's pod, I'm delighted to be in conversation with Allison Jayne Ewing, a licensed clinical social worker and certified EFT practitioner. Together, we delve into the art of 'Dating Like A Goddess.'   

Allison imparts her profound expertise on the transformative art of tapping. (she even guides us through a powerful tapping practice).

We discuss the intriguing concept of polarity within relationships, transcending gender identification. She elucidates the integral roles of both masculine and feminine energies in weaving intimacy, as well as the ways we can channel our inherent energy to establish deeper bonds with our partners.

Be prepared for some tantalizing tips from Allison for midlife dating, complemented by her discerning insights on the influence of modern society on our potential to truly embrace our femininity.

Whether you're looking to amplify your intimate relationships, rekindle passion in your current partnership, or simply curious about the subtleties of tapping and its beneficial impact on you, this podcast episode is an absolute must-listen.

Don't miss this enlightening conversation, abundant with authentic strategies to cultivate deeper connections, both with yourself and your significant other. 

Allison is an  Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a certified EFT Practitioner, who is also a divorced and dating woman.  Allison's goal is to teach women how to use EFT Tapping to clear blocks and limiting beliefs around dating and finding an ideal partner.  Allison believes crisis creates opportunity and that, after the crisis of divorce, a whole sky full of stars of new potentials for your life becomes available! Allison feels that dating can be the greatest opportunity of self-discovery that you've ever experienced and this self-discovery draws miracles into your life.  Above all Allison wants to show you how to have FUN on this journey!


*Want more easy ways to Find Your Feminine Fire and enjoy more pleasure filled relationships?  Get Amanda's Free Sensuality Activation HERE.