After dating different types of men and failing in many relationships in the past, Diana realised that the common denominator is her. Once she began stepping into her own responsibilities to work on herself and learn more about relationship just like how she learned all other skills in other areas in life, she started calling in her perfect partner - the man who is everything she has ever dreamed of and more. She is here today to show you how you can do it too.

After married to her husband, they both created 'Better Topics' card games for couples to help them improve their communication by initiating fun and deep conversations. There's no "once I found my perfect partner, everything will be great as it was destined to be." She has learned that to make a relationship work and keep it alive, you have to continue doing the work and take full responsibility on your part. She inspires everyone to live out and love passionately because you deserve to be in a happy relationship.

What we talk about:

What inspired her to create Better Topics
How to keep the spark alive in long-term relationships
Create the void in your life for your future partner
How to write your perfect partner list

Episode Resources:

Diana Website
Diana Facebook
Diana Instagram
Diana Youtube

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Joyan is an outward-looking lady with a strong inward sense of empowerment. She is known for being a Self-image Empowerment Coach passionate about helping people to build a positive, confident and empowered self-image, looking inward to shining outward. She was working in the fashion industry for years but later found herself struggling with Depression and she became suicidal.

She turned her depression into empowerment when she followed her higher-self guidance that led her down the path of coaching to help empower others to shine through their own identity and story.

Her life experiences over the last decade have transformed her in such a way that allows her to guide people through a journey of discovering their true authentic self and empower them with clarity in how they choose to show up everyday.

Her stories have touched many lives and inspired many people from all over the world and help them understand that only when we start to take ownership of our life, own our struggles and be fully responsible for ourselves and our circumstances, we grow in confidence and become empowered to create a life filled with joy, passion, purpose, and success in our own style, on our own terms.

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