The starting point is to consider why you might choose to be a business owner. Certainly it's not the right option for a lot of people. There's risk, extra stress, and a requirement for a broad skill set. A great analogy I think is comparing a decathlete at the Olympics to an athlete in a single pursuit. A decathlete isn't good enough to be a gold medalist in any one single event. But they are better than average across a whole variety of events such that when they combine their results they produce an impressive outcome.

A business owner needs to be like a decathlete. They need to be able to understand marketing, the finances, people management, planning, pricing and operations.

If you are the Usain Bolt of you are field, then chances are you're better off as an employee than a business owner. As an employee you can just focus on doing what you're good at, and let others worry about all the other cogs in the machine. Pursuing the business ownership path is best suited to the all-rounder.

