In this episode, my co-host Alex Patel and I continue our conversation with Sheldon Stone, co-founder and head of high-yield bonds at Oaktree Capital, about high-yield bonds. We delve into topics like high-yield bond investing attitudes and approaches, learning about the risks associated with high-yield bonds, the nature of different high-yield bond markets, Sheldon’s career at Oaktree, and much more!

Check out the episode to learn about high-yield bonds in a simplified way!

Sheldon Stone is a co-founder of Oaktree Capital and currently is the head of Oaktree’s high yield bond area. In this capacity, he serves as co-portfolio manager of Oaktree’s U.S. High Yield Bond and Global High Yield Bond strategies. Before co-founding Oaktree in 1995, he established TCW’s High Yield Bond department with Howard Marks in 1985 and ran the department for ten years. Prior to joining TCW, he worked with Howard Marks at Citibank for two years where he performed credit analysis and managed high yield bond portfolios. He is on the Board of Overseers at Columbia University as well as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California and a member of the investment committee for Bowdoin College. Sheldon earned his bachelor's from Bowdoin College and his MBA from Columbia University.

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