This week, I’ve got 3 major financial headlines for you…

1 - earnings season continues to fuel recovery hopes, with 25% of S&P 500 companies reporting, and over 80% of them beating expectations. How does that compare to usual earnings season?

2 -  If earnings season is going so well… why was the market flat last week?

3 - after last week’s deep dive on the housing market, what did the data for March released this week say about the current market?

A bonus headline for you - what’s up with Bitcoin? The leading cryptocurrency is down 20% from its prior week high. What’s driving it?

… after that, I’m going to do a deep dive on the capital gains tax, given it caused such a fuss in this week’s financial markets. What is President actually proposing? Why is he proposing it? And how does it fit in with tax policy historically and globally?


For more on this week's headlines and the capital gains tax increase:

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