This week, I’ve got 2 major financial headlines for you…

1 - Last week was really all about the April Employment Situation released on Friday

2 - The impact it had on interest rates and the stock market

… and given that, this week’s deep dive is all about the current labor market. The April jobs numbers left a lot of people scratching their heads. From businesses who are struggling to hire despite millions on unemployment to economists who expected 4x as many jobs to be added by employers, how can all be true at the same time? Many business leaders were quick to call for an end to expanded federal unemployment benefits, but is that the only impediment to the labor market recovery? Let’s dive into what’s up with the labor market – from variations among state policies, industry differences, the impact of childcare (or lack there of), and what role do federal unemployment benefits and stimulus play.?


For more on this week's headlines:

For more on the labor market:

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