Previous Episode: Final Level Episode 8
Next Episode: Final Level Episode 10

Ep 9 Featured Games:

Altered Beast, Thunder Force 2, Last Battle, Space Harrier 2, X-Men, Tommy Lasorda Baseball, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario 64

Ep 9 Featured Artists:

Kazuhiko Nagai, Tsukumo Hyakutaro, Tokuhiko Uwabo, Matt Furniss, Fletcher Beasley, Masato Nakamura, Koji Kondo, Unknown

 Intro/Outro Music: Whistle Concert from Megaman 3 by Yasuaki Fujita & Harumi Fujita 

Created by jstn as Scout Captain Orion
Mastered by Thomas Burgos
Mixed by (h)Apis Osiris

This podcast was produced on stolen land that rightfully belongs to the Shawnee people.