Previous Episode: 8. Friday The 13th
Next Episode: 10. Phantasm (1979)

"Eat shit & live, Bill!

Having never partaken in a summer camp myself, I need to pose the question, was wearing the shortest cut off Short Short Jean shorts a requirement when taking part in camp activities? Short Short shorts, just so I'm clear on the shortness of said shorts.

What I am really trying to say is there seems to be a fair bit of ill-fitted attire sweeping through Camp Arawak!

I get it's the 80's, but this makes Kevin Bacon & his speedos look slightly overdressed over at Camp Crystal Lake!

What we get in Sleepaway is a slightly 'camp' hybrid game of Cluedo & Guess Who!

We ask ourselves, could sweet innocent mute Angela really be the killer? or could it be Officer Frank & 'that' Fake moustache which certainly raises an eyebrow or 2.

You've got Aunt Martha who HMMMMMS her way to top of the suspect list but of course let us not rule out Mr Muscle himself, Ronnie hotpants. 

So, grab your flog, cut the legs off all your trousers & let's get camping!

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