Previous Episode: 7. Maniac Cop
Next Episode: 9. Sleepaway Camp

"Oh, my Lord! So young. So pretty. Oh, what monster could have done this?

Well, I'm ruling out anyone in knitwear & anyone who shouts Camp blood! Might be worth asking the zombie in the lake where he was on the 13th?

Hot on the heels of Halloween & grabbing onto those coattails for dear life, Friday the 13th brought us a different take on the newly found slasher genre.

Replacing the seemingly unstoppable force of Michael Myers is Ralph, instead of the snail pace walking of Myers, we get quick escapes on the Ralphmobile! It's got a Death Curse!

Also, it's always good to see The Bacon in speedos! We've got some Kevin Bacon content coming your way post-Halloween!

So Grab your flog, borrow your Nans' knitwear, take the stabilizers off your bike & let's get flogging!

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