"We are all broken in some way, and learning to give ourselves grace in all of that brokenness wherever we are is the beauty of endurance sport. It breaks us down to our core parts, lets us explore them core parts and then builds them back up the way we want them to be. As we handle ourselves with a little more patience and a little more humility. And that's how we find greater and greater mountains to climb and finish lines and summits." -Colleen Rue

In this episode, we explore four people's stories before, during, and after 29029—an endurance event where you have 36 hours to climb 29029 feet (the equivalent height of Mt. Everest. Hike up the mountain, take the gondola down, repeat. Thanks to Colleen Rue from 29029, Kate and Steve Anderson, Meredith Carlson, and Carol Wisecarver for sharing their journey and hearts. 

-Scott Papek


