This episode is all about using our emotions as a portal into the Divine, a portal into bliss, which isn’t one particular emotion, but the end result of feeling unconditionally.

We’re talking all about the inner union of Masculine & Feminine energy and how we can literally transform our lives from the inside out by becoming emotional alchemists.

This is specifically for my very emotional and sensitive friends - your purpose IS to feel all of your emotions. It’s your spiritual practice & greatest gift. In this ep we talk about how to BECOME the partner/witness to your emotions you’ve always wanted so that you can embody every part of you and organically magnetize to you a life where you feel genuinely seen, heard, valued and taken care of.

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About me:

Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden and I'm a shadow alchemist helping highly sensitive beings liberate their true selves, connect to their personal version of the Divine, and manifest their desires.

On this podcast, we'll explore topics like shadow work and emotional alchemy, I'll share my personal manifestation stories and the journeys of my clients, and we'll hear from experts in the fields of personal development and spirituality.

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