WOW in this episode we have on Emily Lewis aka Emily the Mystic. 

If you've ever:

Been afraid of coming out as a spiritual beingThought you might be a channel/intuitive/psychic/medium but aren't sureQuestioned your spiritual giftsFelt confused about whether you're clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant or clairsentient (or don't even know what these different psychic abilities are)Struggled with actually trusting your downloads or channeling abilitiesWondered how to discern your Inner Knowing/Intuition from your regular ego-brainWondered how to start sharing your gifts with the world/other peopleBeen curious what the Akashic Records are and how they can help you step into your soul's purpose


Emily Logan Lewis is a Soul Journeys®Certified Trauma-Informed Akashic Records Master Consultant, a Quantum Energy Healer, and a Psychic and Mediumship Development Coach for Entrepreneurs and Spiritual Leaders. Emily is here to help Old Souls have more fun, and to live life on earth from a place of pure joy, freedom, and fulfillment!

As the founder of Emily the Mystic, her 10+ years of experience in all things energy, mindset, entrepreneurship, and spirituality is regularly featured in media and popular podcasts. She uses her lifetime psychic gifts, along with the Akashic Records, inner child work, shadow work, & hypnotherapy, to clear energetic blocks so that her clients can receive a massive quantum re-calibration, discover their own unique intuitive and psychic gifts, create income leaps, and manifest the lifestyle of freedom, fun, and joy that they have always been desiring. 

When she is not joyfully creating YouTube videos or serving her clients, you can find Emily relaxing at the beach, crafting high vibrational recipes, going to a pilates class, dancing to electronic music, or reading the latest thriller novel.


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About me:

Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden and I'm a shadow alchemist helping highly sensitive beings liberate their true selves, connect to their personal version of the Divine, and manifest their desires.

On this podcast, we'll explore topics like shadow work and emotional alchemy, I'll share my personal manifestation stories and the journeys of my clients, and we'll hear from experts in the fields of personal development and spirituality.

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