In this episode I brought on a dear friend and client to share about her journey from being emotionally entrenched in an affair to finding the strength and courage to finally start honoring her own voice and emotions, which led to her ultimately walking away from the relationship.

Trigger warning: An incident of sexual assault is referenced between 10:50 - 11:55

In this episode we cover:

How this client was able to walk away from a deeply emotional affair and finally reclaim her power and worthHow she was able to uncover childhood patterning that was impacting her relationshipsFeeling like she had to control her emotions and how this contributed to feelings of shame and blocks within her relationshipsHow she stopped suppressing her emotionsHow she overcame the pattern of not verbalizing her needs in her relationshipsHow she stopped being controlled by the “should” voice/Inner CriticThe discoveries that finally enabled her to set a boundary and walk away despite her fear and resistanceHow she learned to recognize, own and take action based on her emotional needsHow the idea of Soul Contracts enabled her to deepen her healing and see the relationship for what it truly wasHow she was able to find a sense of inherent wholeness, feel that she was genuinely lovable & feel complete without a relationshipWhy being 100% honest with yourself is essential if you want to see real change in your lifeHow we used voice recording sessions to work together

About Me:

My name is Eden and I'm a human who has worked through a tonnnnnn of blocks, a mentor, and a transmitter of truth + wisdom. My desire in everything I share is to help other infinite beings:

+ resolve blocks

+ reclaim their holy, whole essence

+ experience the radiance of the Divine       

   flowing in + through them


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