In this episode I discuss how we can heal so that we can move past the invisible barriers that feel like they’re between us and what we want (partnership, money, to stop emotional eating, purposeful career).

• How repressed emotions are stored in the body
• Why feeling “fine,” “okay” or numb is a sign you have cut off from your emotions
• How the Inner Critic ensures that we stay stuck in numbing/controlling patterns
• Unexpected boons/rewards of healing and why having more energy, less anxiety, less numbing behavior, more vitality, buoyancy and looking physically better happens as a result of healing
• Why so many people avoid/have a fear of doing this work and can’t stop running/numbing
• Why “healing” shouldn’t actually take that long and isn’t actually daunting


Why you can’t just “trust the Universe” IGTV video
My secret recipe for healing IGTV video
• Recommended reading on how trauma & emotions are stored in the body: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

2024 Update: I'm writing on Substack:
And posting on TikTok about my style journey, if you're interested.

Affiliate disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small amount of commission when you sign up for the programs below!

*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

Shakti School Ayurveda Wellness Coach Training:

To Be Magnetic Manifestation Program [Use Affiliate Code EDEN for 15% off]

Monthly Membership Option (12 payments of $25.50 WITH CODE 'EDEN'):

Pay in Full (One yearly payment of $306 WITH CODE 'EDEN') :

About me:

Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden I'm dedicated to supporting highly sensitive beings on...