Today I have on one of my soul sister "frentors" (friend + mentor) Natalie. 

Natalie is a yoga teacher, acting, improv & dance teacher, talented performer and hilarious, magical human. 

In this episode we discuss how to create a frentorship, an intentional friendship of interdependency instead of codependency, where we invite each other into self-leadership while also providing tons of love and support. 

We discuss:

- Creating an environment of "holding space" in your relationships
- “Opting in” to expressing yourself
- Sharing without seeking validation
- Communication skills & keeping your side of the street clean within a friendship
- Creating a space where you can cultivate your leadership skills 
- Noticing how you're attracting relationships from your wounding
- Comparison & recognizing your shadows/emotional baggage in friendship
- The importance of letting yourself being held, supported, & seen
- Components of creating magical healing experiences for others
- A long story time about a wild experience Natalie and I had teaching at a festival

Follow Natalie on Instagram @nataliem0re

2024 Update: I'm writing on Substack:
And posting on TikTok about my style journey, if you're interested.

Affiliate disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small amount of commission when you sign up for the programs below!

*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

Shakti School Ayurveda Wellness Coach Training:

To Be Magnetic Manifestation Program [Use Affiliate Code EDEN for 15% off]

Monthly Membership Option (12 payments of $25.50 WITH CODE 'EDEN'):

Pay in Full (One yearly payment of $306 WITH CODE 'EDEN') :

About me:

Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden I'm dedicated to supporting highly sensitive beings on...