Highly successful entrepreneurial leaders tend to also have a higher than average EQ.

It's so easy as a busy visionary entrepreneurial leader, with many demands on your attention, to get caught up in the busy-ness of business, and take your emotional intelligence for granted.

When you are dealing with subtle stressors like:

chronic tolerations and small frustrations, orgetting irritated at minor mistakes, whether made by you, someone on your team, a client, or vendoreither dreading conversations or experiencing miscommunicationsor getting frustrated with team members not delivering to your expectationsor even noticing yourself getting irritated at things you aren't usually irritated by (then getting irritated at yourself for getting irritated in the first place.)or noticing tiny mistakes or issues that slow your business' momentum (and give you that sinking exhaustion that has you girding your loins, ready to wade into fixing the things that should have been done the right way the first time.)

It's easy - and common to have the thought of "well, that's the price of doing business." It doesn't have to feel that way, though.

Yes. Mistakes and errors will happen. Business will feel like "work" and does require us to put in effort. And we can't control anything outside of our own selves.

But you don't have to feel like you are tolerating less than ideal and suffering through the process. There is a way to shift your own mental, emotional, and physical experience that can improve your results in your business, get you better results from your team and give you a more fulfilling life as an entrepreneurial leader.

Listen in to learn a simple 30-second method to increase your EQ. To shift your mind, body and emotions, so that you can catch your mental/emotional/physical stress reaction either before it starts, or before you get too deep into it. Don't miss this!

Listen in to hear about:

What Emotional Intelligence is, and why you need to check yours.What's in your "cup"?The 3 step processHow often to practice



If you are a driven entrepreneur who’s:

At the top of your game, yet find your consistent successes aren’t feeling like you thought they would,And you are ready to root out any vestiges of imposter syndrome self-sabotage that are holding you back from expanding out of your comfort zone and into your next level,AND you are ready for success that truly feels like success

Book a call with me.

We'll have an intimate conversation about you and your business. We’ll explore what might be holding you back from enjoying your success. You’ll leave with your next step.

If you still need more help at the end of the call, and it makes sense to both of us - we'll talk about what it would look like to work together.

If this sounds good to you, click the Book Trina link ==> https://bit.ly/BookTrina


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30-Second Self Check-in Method to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence


[00:00:56] Intro

[00:00:56] Trina: Welcome back to the field guide to awesome [00:01:00] folks. In my last episode, I spoke again with Koni Scavella.

Koni is a speaker, author and business and strategic advisor. For CEOs and entrepreneurs seeking a quantum leap in their lives and business simultaneously.

An entrepreneur for 17 years with degrees in theology and physics. She has worked with new startups, fortune five hundreds and Inc 500 companies in healthcare, real estate. Education sports, finance, oil and gas, retail ministry hospitality. Entertainment.

Big setbacks, including financial decisions gone wrong can brake entrepreneurs. But it doesn't have to be that way. Highly successful. Visionary entrepreneurs tend to exhibit not only more resiliency then their less successful counterparts. But also life outlook and professional habits that continually expand their capacity for resilience.[00:02:00]

That's why Connie and I continued our conversation. And this time we spoke about a 100 K loss dealing with betrayal and her turning point that took her from being burned by the industry to resiliently, committing to figuring it out.

[00:02:17] Trina: If you missed it, make sure to go back and check it out.

but don't go yet, folks.

Over the next few weeks, I have a combination of some more great interviews. And solo episodes.

This episode, is a special solo episode with me. On emotional intelligence specifically on how to increase your EQ starting with a super simple 30-Second practice.

Highly successful entrepreneurial leaders tend to also have a higher than average EEQ. So it's easy as busy visionary entrepreneurial leaders with many demands on your attention to get caught up in the busy-ness of [00:03:00] business and to take your emotional intelligence for granted.

The problem happens when you are dealing with subtle stressors, like chronic tolerations and small frustrations. Or getting irritated at minor mistakes, whether made by you or someone on your team, a client or a vendor. Or Either dreading conversations or experiencing miscommunications or getting frustrated with team members for not delivering to your expectation. Or even noticing yourself getting irritated at things you aren't usually irritated by. Then getting irritated at yourself for getting irritated in the first place. Or even noticing tiny mistakes or issues that slow your businesses. Momentum. And give you that sinking exhaustion that has you girding your loins, ready to wade into fixing the things that should have been done right the first time. It's easy and common to have the thought of, well, [00:04:00] that's the price of doing business. It doesn't have to feel that way though. Yes, mistakes and errors will happen.

And business will feel like work. And does require us to put in the effort. And we can't control anything outside of our own selves. But you don't have to feel like you're tolerating less than ideal and suffering through the process. There is a way to shift your own mental, emotional, and physical experience that can improve your results in your business, get you better results from your team and give you a more fulfilling life as an entrepreneurial leader. I'm Sharing a simple 30-Second method. To increase your EEQ to shift your mind, body and emotions so that you can start catching your mental, emotional, physical stress reaction either before it starts or before you get too deep into it.

I originally recorded it live and wasn't using my sweet, sweet [00:05:00] microphone. So the audio is a little rough, but the lesson is clear. And I hope you enjoy it. Let's jump in

[00:05:09] 30-Second Self Check-in Method

[00:05:09] Trina: Hey folks. Hey, how's everybody doing today? I'm sharing with you the 30-Second Self Check-in Method to increase emotional intelligence for visionary entrepreneurs. Okay. So why "EQ", why emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence helps you transform how you react in stressful situations. It also changes how you operate in your business and daily life.

. So what if you could reduce the amount of irritations and things that you tolerate? And improve the results that you get from your team. . Also how awesome would that be? . So the side effects include like better relationships in every aspect of your [00:06:00] life, as well as increasing your sense of fulfillment, you know?

And so that success actually feels like success, right? So do me a favor, if any of this resonates share how this is landing for you.

. Because I love getting that feedback and I love talking to you guys about this stuff. . So today, I, I was going through my daily practice well going through my day and just doing the things that I've always done and the things that I actually teach my clients to do, I walk my talk and I realized that I hadn't really spoken to you about it succinctly.

And so this episode is going to be relatively. So just as a reminder of this is Trina . I'm a transformational resilience coach and I help success, stalking visionary entrepreneurial leaders, [00:07:00] like you to regulate your nervous systems so that you can quiet your inner critic, prime yourself for flow.

And I'm talking neurological flow here, right? So that you can stop the overwork over-delivery overwhelm exhaustion cycle so that success can actually feel like success. And I'm also the host of the field guide to awesome podcast. And I interview multi-six and seven-figure entrepreneurs, and we dive into where they started the struggles they had along the way, and the unique way they think differently that's led to their current level of success.

And so again, today I'm talking about the 30-Second Self Check-in Method, that helps you increase your emotional intelligence. So let's jump in. So high EQ helps you transform how you react in stressful situations, and it also changes how you operate in your business in your daily [00:08:00] life. And so these are big claims, right?

They are. The big claims, but it's a simple process, this 30-Second Self Check-in Method,

and it only takes 30 seconds to do, but it's going to take just a few minutes to tell you about what it is, how to do it and why this is all important. Okay. So often we are operating by default, and reacting to life events as they arise. And so imagine you're walking with a cup , and it's full to the brim of liquid and you're walking through life and, and it's a crowded life. You've got a lot going on. You have a lot of things that you're doing and . A lot of people that you're talking to, and, and you're carrying this cup of liquid and somebody bumps into you, what falls out?[00:09:00]

Some people said, oh, it's coffee, coffee falls out. Oh, it's T T falls out, whatever falls out is whatever is in your cup. And so emotionally speaking, we are filled to the brim with emotions. We're filled to the brim with physical sensations. We're filled to the brim with thoughts, right? And so somebody bumps into you, the things that you are full of are going to spill out.

So if you're full of frustration, exhaustion. And somebody bumps into you. what do you respond with? . And that may not be your normal, but imagine back to a time when you were frustrated or you were irritated or you were over tired, or you had something else that was preying on your mind and a stressful event.

[00:10:00] Happens. Somebody bumps into you. Somebody says something that comes across as crappy. It wasn't their intention. Maybe it was, but we're not going to think about them. We're thinking about ourselves. All right. Somebody says something or you read something or you get a disappointing email. How do you respond?

What falls out of your cup? Let's build. And then think to a time when you were feeling good, right? Everything you are calm, you're happy. You are filled with the sense of peace and wonder you were full in your known and flow. Somebody bumps into you. What falls out, curiosity, maybe concern a willingness to help.

To listen, to hold the space. And so whatever you're [00:11:00] full of, that's what falls out. So how do we know what we're full of? And it can change moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day. Okay. So this 30-Second process is going to help you do that self check-in. So, you know, what's going on. And I'm going to share just the high overview right now.

And we'll, I'll do other lives in the future so that we can really dive into exploring that maybe at some point I'll do actually a meditation. . But , this 30-Second process is something that you can do anytime. . And so I'm going to walk you through it. Ready? It's going to be exciting.

It's also going to be super simple. Okay. So the first step is to pause for 30 seconds. And [00:12:00] during that 30 seconds, you're going to check in and say, ask yourself, what are the thoughts that I'm thinking? What is that thought?

What emotion am I feeling? Name the emotion,

and then what is going on in my body? What is my physical state? How does my body feel? So those are the three steps and it takes just 30 seconds to do just pause. I'm having this thought, oh, I feel this way. And this is how my body feels now. Oftentimes if the thought is not something that serves you in the direction that you want to go, because everything serves us, everything serves us to some degree or another.

But it's whether or [00:13:00] not that thought is something that we desire to think. . So what is that thought? Just observe it and accept it. What does that feeling? What is that emotion and what is that physical sensation? Don't go into this with the need to change it. And this is really important.

We don't do this process to change the thought, to change the emotion, to change the physical sensation, allow it to be as it is, just observe it. But the cool thing is that often when you have a thought , and you notice the emotion and you feel the physical sensation just by observing them, you'll notice that they start to shift a little.

. The observation is the catalyst. . And that just, and a [00:14:00] catalyst is something that happens and something else. It doesn't, you don't go to change something. You're not adding making a chemical reaction, but the mere presence of the observation tends to shift what you think, how you feel and your physical sensation, your physical.

Okay. Now you might wonder too, how often do I need to do this? Because look one 30-Second stint of checking in, you know, it's good for that 30 seconds for this next segment of your day, you know, to say, what am I feeling? And you have a better idea of like how you're going to react.

So how often.

As often as you need to. And in fact, the more often you do it, the faster that you're going to see a change. Now, some people might also think that [00:15:00] saving this process for when you're aware that you're thinking gremlin thoughts, limiting beliefs. Oh, I just had a limiting belief. . Or I'm feeling sad or I'm feeling exhausted at first.

That may be the trigger for you to say, oh, I'm going to do this 30-Second check-in okay. But the key to creating a longterm shift is doing this process regularly. When I work with clients, we co-create a process so that they can remind themselves of when they're going to do it. And it's mindfully making a choice.

And when we go about our day on default, we're just doing things and reacting to life as it happens. But when we take ourselves off default and act more mindfully, then [00:16:00] focusing. Choosing deliberately deciding to do this practice, you will notice there'll be times when you feel. What's my thought. Oh, I like that thought.

What's my emotion. Oh, I feel, I feel good. I feel happy what's my physical sensation wheww. I feel relaxed, open and. I'm aware. And you're going to have times like that. That is great. Okay. And then the next hour that you do it. Oh, I had a bad thought. No thoughts are good or bad, but I had a thought that didn't feel, or my emotions.

My emotion I'm sad. Or my physical sensation, I'm tired or I feel heavy or I feel pain in my body. Now I want to also give [00:17:00] you an example of a couple of times when I've done this for myself today. Earlier today, Wheww! I did a check-in and whew I felt a little sad. I started with my emotion this time.

I felt a little sad. What was the thought that went through my head? I, oh, I don't know if I have the energy to do this today. You know, I'm feeling a little pressured and then the physical sensation was when I checked in, it was like, I am legitimately tired. I'm legitimately low energy at this moment in time.

I didn't try to change it, but just by observing it, I could look at my physical sensation and see how it was informing my emotions and how my emotions were affecting how I thought. And when I realized why I was [00:18:00] tired. I went to a concert last night and didn't get home until very late. So no wonder I'm tired.

No wonder my physical energy is a little bit low. Right? And so when I reflected on that, it's like all of a sudden my emotions changed and I gave myself some compassion. Now, none of this did I do on purpose? It was just natural. That's why I'm tired, you know? Cause I went out and I had fun. So my, my emotions came up.

It's like, oh, I feel better. And then my thoughts were, it's like, yeah, I'm tired, but you know what? I can rally my energy. And there are things that I'm excited about doing today. . And that naturally changed. And then right before doing this live, I sat and did a self [00:19:00] in 30 seconds. I sat in and this time it went to my body were feeling some butterflies.

And then I looked at my emotions and I was like, Hmm, I'm a little nervous. And then I went to. Thoughts. It's like, oh, but I haven't gone live for so long. What are people gonna think? And just automatically things started to shift for me. Okay. It's shifted. Like all of a sudden the butterflies went away, the emotions, I just got excited about doing this live and my thoughts changed to, well, they're going to hear from me now.

Because this is something that I want to do and that I'm passionate about and that I love and that I enjoy. Okay. So those are just two moments that I wanted to share with you [00:20:00] of when I do this, but I do this self check-in quite often. . And one of the practices that I'm bringing back to myself as being more mindful of when I do these practices, because it has become second nature to me over the decades that I've been doing this work.

. So that's one of the things that I'm doing for myself. And I encourage you try out this 30-Second practice. What is the thought that I'm thinking. Name the emotion that you're feeling right now and check in on your physical state. How is your body feeling? 30 seconds.

Let me know if any of this resonated with you, if you're going to try out this practice or, Hey, if you've done this practice before. . And We'll talk to you later..

I'd love for you to [00:21:00] tune in next week. Folks, I'll be sharing a little story about how travel has transformed my entrepreneurial journey. As well as informed my resilience coaching practice. I can't wait to share this with you. So tune in next week


[00:22:00] [00:23:00]