Want a peek behind the scenes into my work week? šŸ‘€

In this episode, Iā€™m taking you behind the scenes and sharing what I do as a developmental editor and book coach.

Iā€™ll talk through the projects Iā€™m working on, what Iā€™m excited (or not excited) about, whatā€™s coming up in the next few weeks, what I learn from the writers I work with, and basically anything else that happens during the week!

Tune into the episode to hear me talk about things like:

[05:07] A behind-the-scenes look at the making of this podcastā€”how (and why) I batch script and record multiple episodes at a time[09::07] What it was like to work through the copy edits on my new book, Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone: A Story Grid Masterwork Analysis Guide[13:15] How I manage my energy and mental health when I have a week full of live videos that require lots of extroverting (and why this is so important)[18:10] A preview of some of the marketing plans for my upcoming book release in July (including how Iā€™m thinking about my ARC Team & Street Team)[27:55] Some client wins, including a book cover reveal, a revise and resubmit (R&R) request, and how one writer is stuck choosing between two agents

Thanks for coming on this journey with me, and I hope you enjoy this peek behind the scenes! See you next week!

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Click here to get on the waitlist for my new book,Ā Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone: A Story Grid Masterwork Analysis GuideAuthor Acceleratorā€™s Book Coach Certification ProgramJust Food For Dogs

Click here to register for my free LIVE training on How To Write A Fantasy Novel That Works!

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