“The key to making books within a series work is to grow, escalate, and complicate the conflict and stakes from book to book.” - Savannah Gilbo

A good book series allows readers to immerse themselves in a world and stay there. But how do you write a series that works? To start, here are 5 steps to help you start planning your book series.

Read the blog post here!

Here’s a preview of what’s included:

[01:42] Savannah discusses the the three primary categories of book series—static, dynamic, and anthology.

[03:06] The 5 steps to start planning your book series.

[11:48] Analyzing a character's journey across the Hunger Games trilogy.

[14:50] Unpacking Voldemort's grand plot objective versus the specific goals within each book—and the strategic implications.

[21:35] A useful exercise to stimulate plot ideas for your series.

[29:03] A bonus tip for enriching the worldbuilding/setting of your book series.

[32:45]  As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into planning a book series. Don’t expect to have everything figured out in one or two sittings. This is something you’ll need to start and add to over time, so please know that going into this process!

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Understanding Genre: How to Write Better StoriesHow to Uncover the Theme of Your Story

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