Dr. Tara Brandner works as an experienced doctorate nurse practitioner and fertility coach with patients worldwide. She received additional certification through the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and Marquette Natural Family Planning. After enduring a long road through infertility followed by a traumatic pregnancy, she turned her hurt into hope for others. She formed the first and only nonprofit in North Dakota and South Dakota serving those diagnosed with infertility. She has been the driving force behind legislative efforts since 2019 to increase access to care for infertility and fertility preservation. Tara has expanded her career to providing coaching and telemedicine services that offer a personalized approach to fertility care and pregnancy after infertility. In addition, she offers a wide variety of women's healthcare services provided via telemedicine. She has combined her experience as a healthcare professional and personal struggle to help navigate couples through their family-building path.








For more information about Michelle, visit www.michelleoravitz.com

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149554308396504/

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/