In this episode I talk about the 2 week wait, which is generally the wait from ovulation to the end of your cycle or from embryo transfer to when you can do a pregnancy test. But before I even get into the general advice for how you can survive this I acknowledge the fact that you are pretty much waiting throughout your whole cycle, so 2 weeks is in itself a misnomer. In fact when you add up how long you've been trying, the wait so far could be months or years

I also discuss how the 2 week wait after ovulation may not actually be 2 weeks and that this information can give us so many clues and answers about how your cycle is affecting your fertility.

Before recording this episode, I googled surviving the 2 week wait and I look into the common advice found across various sites and how this may not work for you, why not and how I help my clients through it. Why you can't Just **@! relax, and how can you not obsess about symptoms, how its not so easy to talk to someone when you haven't really told anyone what you're going through

I really hope you enjoy the episode and I ask you to share with me how you survive the 2 week wait, or what unhelpful advice you've been given.  Drop me a comment on your platform you're using to listen  or email me [email protected]

For free resources or to find out more about how you can work with me visit https://fertilityrewire