We continue our discussion on Lyme disease with Scott Manduck as guest Scott is a self directed healthcare professional he has worked with multinationals including Google, Sony, Nike, Toyota, Mazda, Ford, iShares, Godiva, Pandora, Investors Group, Hugo Boss, Konami, Samsung and Microsoft .

👉He spoke about the counter productive ways the food we eat affect our immunity.

👉Scott talked about his wife Andrea's experience with Lyme disease

👉Scott talked about ways we can reduce inflammation in our bodies through diet.

👉He shared how he stumbled on biblical and age long secrets of using essential oils to boost immunity .

👉Scott explained how he went into the business of producing essential oils using natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.

👉Scott was able to let us in on the different types of essential oils that his organisation manufactures.

👉He elaborated on the manufacturing processes chosen in order to stay organic

👉He ended with some advice on how to thriving in the face of adversity with useful tips on improving self empowered wellness and the power of a positive mindset .

👉Scott is available on Scott Manduck – Self Directed Healthcare Professional

👉 Owner at DoOilsTribe.com | EssentialVibes.com

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#Scott Manduck #meade musings # meademusings# Oluwatoyin oluwaseun-apolyme disease awareness #insights into lyme disease #freedom from Lyme disease #lyme disease treatment #The secret of lyme disease #nutritional strategies for healing from lyme disease #essential oils #raising awareness on uses of essential oils #biblical usage of essential oils #doterra essential oils #pure essential oils #peppermint essential oils #lemon essential oils