Do you or anyone you know suffer from High Blood Pressure , or Sleep Apnea .

Approximately 16 million people in the United Kingdom have high blood pressure 30 per cent of women and 32 per cent of men

In the United states of America more than 100 million people have high blood pressure .

The American Sleep Apnea Association estimates that 38,000 people  die each year from heart disease with sleep apnea as a complicating factor .

In UK an estimated 1.5 million adults are living with obstructive sleep apnoea hence we cannot overlook this illness .

Bill Monroe my guest on this episode is a big Dr Who fan ,woke up with a stroke!

His stroke was described as a wake up Stroke meaning the last time he was without any symptom was before he went to bed and this put him at a relative disadvantage as to the treatments he was offered .

He had several tests , his stroke was attributed to a combination of Sleep Apnea  and high blood pressure which he was unaware of until he started having nose bleeds ,then stroke

Stroke is quite complex , Bill lost the use of his limbs , His life was flipped upside down as a result of the stroke .

However he had great a Medical team of Doctors , Occupational therapists  and Physical therapists  to treat ,rehabilitate and  help recover overtime also helping him adapt /learn activities of daily living .

Bill is amongst the lucky few he is back to working full time as a corporate trainer with Microsoft . He has done media appearances on behalf of the American Heart Association and Swedish Medical Centre in Seattle. 

He also hosts a podcast  where he explores the frontiers of  neuroscience :  rehab, recovery  and one-handed banana peeling  as a generation x stroke survivor !






#High blood pressure

#Sleep Apnea





#Swedish Medical Centre

#American Heart Association

#Bill Monroe

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