My guest on this episode is James Cummiskey

On this episode James shares his experience of being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia at the age of 33 shortly before the Covid19 outbreak.

James is a father, he owns multiple businesses in the medical cannabis industry, he is the CEO of Players fuel a company that creates niche brands specifically targeted at the gulf industry, he is also the CEO of Compare CBD online and Global Hemp Warehouse .

His cancer cure was completely  with the use of unconventional means – THC and CBD full spectrum oils and four rounds of chemotherapy.

He shared how he had to undergo a surgical operation on his jaw, then chemotherapy.

He however rejected a stem cell transplant that was meant to be part of his treatment.

He shared some of the support structures that were in place to help him cope throughout his cancer journey.

He shared his reasons for rejecting the stem cell transplant .

He revealed the alternative therapies that helped him recover so well from his cancer ordeal he was back to playing competitive football three – four months after his chemotherapy and alternative treatments

James is passionate about inspiring other people with his story and also shares some of the ways his organisation helps in saving our planet using biodegradable materials, and a process re-engineering switching to Eco friendly manufacturing materials, processes and products .

James can be reached via his company websites and and on instagram (@playersfuel)

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