On this episode we hosted Cross Palalas , he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ,Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as a kid , his teachers and parents thought this would hold him back but he used his disabilities to his advantage becoming a Vice President at a Media agency based in Niagra Canada at the age of twenty two, Cross oversees the Marketing team in the company .


Cross talked about :


👉 His diagnose with all three whilst in high school .

👉How he had managed to get through elementary school with all three .

👉His parent's reaction when he was diagnosed .

👉 How these impacted on him and his academic performance .

👉His struggles when he was placed on medication to treat his ADHD.

👉How he had to embrace and control his disabilities without medication .

👉Different strategies he used to control his ADHD and OCD to his advantage .

👉Noticeable traits he had that set him apart from other children - now classed as typical ADHD symptoms.

👉Triggers for his Hyperactivity and OCD

👉How his ADHD impacts on his relationships.

👉 Impacts of the Covid19 pandemic and lock-down on his mental health and that of other people living with ADHD /OCD/ADD

👉Advice to people living with ADHD and their parents //relatives .


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#Cross Palalas

#Attetion Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

#Attention Deficit Disorder

#Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

#Coping with Lockdown

#Mental health

#Podcast new episode

#Podbean podcast

#Apple podcast


#Amazon podcast


#Stitcher Podcast

#Himalaya Podcast

#Radiopublic podcast

#Podchaser Podcast

#Goodpods Podcast
