Amira is a clinical social worker with a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Manitoba. She is a fertility counselor in Toronto who works with individuals and couples who are struggling with infertility. Amira also uses Hypnotherapy and Reiki in her practice.

In today’s show, we talk about the mind-body connection to fertility

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

The Fertility Friday Podcast is supported by the Women’s Monthly Kit by DAO labs Head over to and use the code FERTILITY to receive 20% off your first purchase.

Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

Topics discussed in today's episode: What is secondary infertility, and how does it differ from primary infertility? Do fertility challenges lead to an infertility inferiority complex? Working through feeling that your body is broken when fertility challenges arise The role of mindfulness in managing feelings of stress Mindfulness as a form of exercise for your brain The importance of connecting with like-minded women in the same stage Connect with Amira: You can connect with Amira on her Website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

Resources mentioned:

Healing Infertility | 6-Week Mind-Body Fertility Program | Amira Posner John Kabat-Zing | Mindfulness Meditation Tara Brach | Guided Meditations The Power Of Now | Eckhart Tolle Headspace App | Guided Mindfulness Meditations Circle + Bloom Fertility Friday Programs Women's Monthly Kit | DAO Labs Fertility Awareness 101 FREE Video Series Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Related podcasts & blog posts:

[On-Air Client Session] FFP 169 | The Menstrual Cycle as a Diagnostic Tool | Sarah & Lisa FFP 099 | HPA Axis Dysregulation, Adrenal Fatigue & Fertility | Stress Management | Kelsey Kinney (Marksteiner) RD FFP 097 | Managing the Stress of Infertility | The Physiology of Stress | Meditation & Guided Visualization | Hypnotherapy | Mind + Body Stress Reduction | Helen Adrienne FFP 040 | Premature Ovarian Failure at Age 28, IVF Using Donor Eggs, and Fertility Coaching | Sarah Clark Fertility Awareness Episodes | Fertility Friday

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsors: DAO Labs | Women's Monthly Kit

This episode is sponsored by the Women's Monthly Kit by DAO Labs. Herbal medicine is an integral part of Chinese medicine. Herbs have been used for centuries for a variety of treatments and needs and remain incredibly popular today. DAO Labs is on a path to making Chinese herbal medicine more approachable, convenient and tasty. Revitalize and harmonize your cycle with two ancient herbal formulas with a modern twist. Click here for more information. Don't forget to use code: FERTILITY at check out for 20% off your first order.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

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