In this solo episode, I dive into the basics and talk about what fertility awareness actually is. I go into the basics of using fertility awareness for birth control or to optimize conception, and how fertility awareness can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify underlying health issues. I wanted to do an updated version of my very first podcast episode (What is Fertility Awareness?) that I initially recorded over 3 years ago!

For more information on learning Fertility Awareness make sure to take a look at my programs. My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

   Topics discussed in today's episode: What is fertility awareness? What is body literacy? What are the three main fertile signs? What happens to your cervical mucus during ovulation? How helpful is your body temperature to determine your ovulation? How does your cervical position change throughout your cycle? Why is it helpful to pay attention to your menstrual cycle? What are the biggest myths about fertility and the menstrual cycle? Utilizing your menstrual cycle as the 5th vital sign of your health and fertility Can using Fertility Awareness preserve your fertility? The impact of hormonal birth control on the menstrual cycle Connect with Lisa: You can connect with Lisa on her Website, and on Facebook and Twitter. Resources mentioned: 23 Fertility Awareness websites you should know about FFP 001 | What is Fertility Awareness? | Intro Part 1 FFP 001 | Myths and Facts about Fertility Awareness | Intro Part 2 FFP 002 | Fertility Awareness Method Cycle Charting | Rose Yewchuk FFP 075 | Cervical Mucus Charting | Fertility Awareness Method | NaPro Technology | Megan Faller FFP 085 | Myths and Facts About Fertility, The Pill & Ovulation | Fertility Awareness Method | Pregnancy | Lisa | Fertility Friday [On-Air Client Session] FFP 130 | Fertility Awareness Reality Series | Transitioning from Hormonal Birth Control To Fertility Awareness | Coming Off The Pill | Lisa & Amy FFP 140 | Transitioning From Hormonal Birth Control After Long-Term Pill Use | Lisa | Fertility Friday [On-Air Client Session] FFP 152 | Managing Post-Pill Acne | Using Fertility Awareness for Birth Control | Lisa & Amy

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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor: Fertility Friday | 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Program

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Program! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

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