Dr. Kerry Hampton is a registered nurse, a midwife, and an active researcher in fertility-awareness and lifestyle education. The aim of Kerry’s research is to reduce the incidence of infertility by promoting fertility literacy with the fertility awareness method. Her findings have shown that most women seeking fertility assistance cannot accurately identify the fertile days of their menstrual cycle. And of course, by educating women about their fertile signs through fertility awareness women can be taught to be able to identify their fertile days and increase their overall knowledge of how their fertility works and understand their menstrual cycles better.

Kerry is also a leader in professional development in her field having developed programs that teach Natural Fertility Education to professionals so they can offer support to their clients in understanding their menstrual cycles. She is the author of the Comprehensive Course in Natural Fertility Education© and co-author the Advanced Practice in Natural Fertility Education©.

In today's show, Kerry and I talk about why it's important for women to have the opportunity to learn how to accurately identify their fertile days. In her research, Kerry found that only 13% of women who had been referred to fertility clinics for IVF treatments after at least 12 months of trying to conceive could accurately identify their fertile window. In her clinical practice, she has helped hundreds if not thousands of women to conceive naturally after providing basic education about how to observe and identify cervical mucus patterns, and how to pinpoint the fertile window during the menstrual cycle. We talk about how important it is for couples who are having difficulty conceiving to learn how to pinpoint the 3 days prior to ovulation, and how a simple shift in when sex is timed has helped numerous couples to conceive after several months or even years of unsuccessful attempts. We also talk about the important role that cervical mucus plays in fertility and why it is absolutely essential for women to be able to conceive naturally.

Topics discussed in today's episode

What is Fertility Awareness? How is the calendar/rhythm method different to the mucus method and the temperature method? Why the rhythm or calendar method is ineffective for most women Why cervical mucus observations are essential to understanding how to accurately identify your fertile window How learning to pinpoint your fertile window can save you tens of thousands of dollars in IVF treatments The unfortunate reality that the overwhelming majority of women seeking Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IVF and IUI are unable to correctly identify their fertile window Why you could be having sex 2 or 3 times per week every week and still be missing your fertile window every time Why it's not about simply having more sex, but about accurately timing sex based on the days you observe cervical mucus prior to ovulation How to observe your cervical mucus when you don't tend to see very much of it from cycle to cycle

Connect with Kerry!

You can connect with Kerry on her website!

Resources mentioned

Wise Woman Business | Dr. Kerry Hampton Your Fertility | Dr. Kerry Hampton

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)