You know, for single women, divorced women, or those not ready yet -- it is easy to wonder if you can really have it all. Having it all in this case means a flourishing career, a wonderful partner and a thriving family. Want some proof? Okay, no problem. There is plenty of it. Listen in on Radell discuss some successful women who juggle it all and 3 ways to plan for having both a career and family. For more info on owning your biological clock and your future, join us at 3 WAYS TO PLAN FOR HAVING A CAREER, FAMILY, and YOUR SANITY You know, for single women, divorced women, or those not ready yet -- it is easy to wonder if you can really have it all. Want some proof? Okay, no problem. There is plenty of it. It takes some hustle, focus and some help. But don't listen to me. Let's see who is really doing it. Here are a few women who know how to balance their passion, their families and their sanity. A WOMAN DOING IT ALL Rachel Hollis, A BUSINESS WOMAN FIRST 2 - Sara Blakely, Founder, Spanx, and Female Billionaire FIRST MOTHER ASTRONAUT 3 - Anna Fisher - First Mother Astronaut in Space CAN YOU HAVE IT ALL When those thoughts about “can I have it all” creep into your brain, I want you to reprogram it with, "yes I can." It might not be perfect or exactly as you pictured it but you can do it. Remember, we're not going for perfection here. We're going for messy, transitional, fulfilled lives. Exhale out perfect, inhale messy, beautiful, and everything all at once. Here are 3 ways to start getting ready for it and ensure you feel secure in the process. 1 - Be open and ready to embrace flexible solutions. Great Place to Work - Best Places for Women 2 - Know you will need help. This is not selfish, it is okay to get help for yourself and your family. One more thing, if money is an issue, refer to my blog - Every Little Bit Counts; Advice on Financial Planning for New Parents. 3 - Meditate or visualize to trust the process that it will all work out. Want help with meditation? Try the headspace app. Check out my favorite meditation podcast. My man and I fall asleep to it all the time! OVERALL When your children see you doing more and being more they will naturally be encouraged to do more for themselves. You will be their inspiration to create a family and life they love too. Before I sign off I want to clarify something. If having a family and a career isn’t what you want for your life, that’s cool too! Do whatever you want - there is no right or wrong way to live a life - especially your life. This is to encourage the women that are hesitant to go all in with their career and having a child too. You will make it work. Trust yourself. Do you, baby. Just do you. Today's episode is sponsored by Easy Breezy Egg Freezy; A Guide to Deciding if Egg Freezing is Right for You. Grab Your Free Resources Today! © 2019 Fertility Boss LLC