Ein kurzer (lies: kürzer als sonst) Überblick zur aktuellen Lage der Proteste in Hong Kong.

Die Hedonistische Internationale – kurze Erklärung bei Wikipedia, lange Erklärung (lies: zwei Stunden) beim Chaosradio Express.
Fünf Mao Blogger” (Wikipedia)

Die Räumung des Camps in Mong Kok am 25. November:

But no one in my view is charging the police. pic.twitter.com/oANaDEXrtu

— Alan Wong (@alanwongw) November 25, 2014

the line has been like this for 10+ mins #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/h33Mghk7j5

— Kris Cheng (@krislc) November 25, 2014

Here we go again- #HongKong police arrest #OccupyCentral student leader Joshua Wong in bid to eradicate protest sites pic.twitter.com/7wQJUcQ1pO

— Phelim Kine 林海 (@PhelimKine) November 26, 2014

Rough #OccupyHK MongKok map this PM.
Green: cleared
Blue: police cordon
Yellow: protestershttps://t.co/3Ev5FgRp85 pic.twitter.com/2jRL27SkpV

— Tom Grundy (@tomgrundy) November 26, 2014

Die Shoppingtouren in Mong Kok, die es seit der Räumung gibt:

'Protesters' gather to cheer film trailers.
Humorous tactic. Interesting consequences for HK's unlawful assembly laws pic.twitter.com/5ViWX4Cunj

— Tom Grundy (@tomgrundy) November 27, 2014

Comical scenes as 'protesters' claim they came out to watch film trailers #OccupyHK https://t.co/2zj0Bkyo4I

— Tom Grundy (@tomgrundy) November 27, 2014

Not everybody is in Admiralty tonight. About 500 have gathered again on Sai Yeung Choi Street for 'shopping'. pic.twitter.com/uYsib3GLKG

— Leo Weese 獅草地 (@LeoAW) November 30, 2014

Am 30. November versuchen die Studentenanführer, die Proteste in Admiralty zu eskalieren – Eskalation gibt es auch, allerdings keine zugunsten von Occupy:

HKFS and Scholarism announce action to surround CGO to "escalate" action – ask ppl to gather their belongings pic.twitter.com/O6f1YE6wbH

— Yuen Chan (@xinwenxiaojie) November 30, 2014

Ppl on the move now.Students have announced they'll encircle gov bldg.
Some confrontations already at rear #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/MnMoVuRPit

— Tom Grundy (@tomgrundy) November 30, 2014

Mayhem, pepper spray return to Admiralty protest. pic.twitter.com/iNqJrA2WvV

— Chris Buckley 储百亮 (@ChuBailiang) November 30, 2014

Am nächsten Morgen entschuldigen sich die Studentenanführer und Joshua Wong kündigt seinen Hungerstreik an:

Alex Chow: some ppl say I don't have right to speak as I have not been hit. All I can say is again is I am sorry. pic.twitter.com/uG9kASs8GV

— amklo (@arthurlmk) December 1, 2014

Student leader Joshua Wong and 2 Scholarism members to start indefinite hunger strike for CY to respond #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/aFgJpJKJK9

— amklo (@arthurlmk) December 1, 2014

Eine der einstweiligen Verfügungen an der Legislative:

Found out why supplies are being moved, eviction notices posted at Legco. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution pic.twitter.com/wILOXvKWJs

— Hong Kong Hermit (@HongKongHermit) December 8, 2014






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