Previous Episode: 66: Kimchi and In-Laws
Next Episode: 68: Genetics of Yeast

This week we talk about letting go of starter cultures, losing cultures, and how to cultivate new food traditions in a modern world.

Show notes:

[FARMcurious Fermenting Set by Nicole Kramer Easterday

Nicole was on the show a couple of episodes ago and now she has more than doubled her original ickstarter goal.

[NessAlla Kombucha, Symbiotic, Sustainable, and Successful! by NessAlla Kombucha

Watch their entertaining kickstarter video and consider backing them. Get those kids back in school!

[Movie Review: “Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle”
Fermenters Club](

We said we were going to watch and review this movie, but it looks like Austin beat us to it over a year ago!

[Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle

The netflix link to the kimchi movie.

Strange Brews: The Genes of Craft Beer -

We will talk about this one more next week. Read the article and send in any questions you would like us to address next week.

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