Dr. Kelly Teagle is the Founder & CEO of WellFemme, a Telehealth service provided by female General Practitioners who specialize in menopause and midlife care. They provide evidence-based menopause information, advice and treatment in collaboration with our clients’ usual General Practitioners. She graduated in Medicine from the University of Queensland in 2001 and worked in the Royal Australian Air Force as a Medical Officer until 2010. As a civilian GP she gained Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and developed her interest in women’s medicine with a Graduate Diploma of Women’s Health, further studies in reproductive and sexual health and surgical assisting. On this episode we discussed the barriers in telehealth for women in Australia, educating on menopause, cultural differences in menopause and the goal of building a global pipeline for access to women's health services & products.

Check out WellFemme by visiting www.wellfemme.com.au
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