Wendy Anderson and Cristina Ljungberg are the Co-Founders of The Case for Her, a philanthropic investment portfolio addressing the key women’s health issues of menstruation and sexual health and pleasure through grants, investments, convenings, and advocacy. Founded in 2017, The Case for Her brings together decades of experience working and investing in women’s health and rights. This dynamic and flexible portfolio spans the globe and includes investments in product companies, tech innovations, research initiatives, and grassroots organizations.

Wendy is a graduate of Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. Wendy Anderson spent over a decade working in the financial industry before transitioning to strategic philanthropy. In 2009, she became founder and director of Futura Foundations, Social Initiatives. Wendy chairs the board at Be Girl, a mission-driven menstrual products company, is an active board member of Women Moving Millions and sits on the advisory board of Saral Designs. Cristina Ljungberg has a Master’s in Biotechnology from Northwestern and an MBA from Dartmouth College and this combined expertise in business and healthcare has propelled her nearly two-decade journey in health and philanthropy. Before The Case for Her, Cristina spent five years on the Board of Directors for Global Grassroots and established the nonprofit foundation Giving Wings in 2010. In 2016, Cristina became a founding member of the Maverick Collective, an initiative to eliminate extreme poverty created by Population Services International (PSI) in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition to her work with women’s health, Cristina is also a Partner at Influence Film—a foundation, investment fund and online platform that supports feature-length documentary film production. She is also an active board member of Acumen, a leader in the impact investment space and AFRIpads, a Ugandan manufacturer of reusable menstrual pads.

Check out The Case for Her at thecaseforher.com
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