Christine Goudie is the Co-Founder and CEO of Granville Biomedical, an all female tech company specializing in the design and manufacturing of women’s health anatomical simulation models for surgical training around the world. Cow tongues, orange peels and car wash sponges are being used as vulva simulation models for medical trainees, Christine and her partner at Granville Biomedical aspire to offer trainees to practice and learn on life-like 3D printed models that reflect the real human body and offer opportunities for hands on training that reflect real world, culturally respective, situations that the current simulation models don't offer. Granville Biomedical is also the first female-led company to receive Health Canada approval to begin clinical trials for their COVID-19 testing product. Christina has a background in Industrial Design and Biomedical Engineering. We discussed vaginal models, normalizing the aesthetics of vulvas, vaginas and making women's health devices less invasive.

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