There is a misunderstanding in our culture about visioning, dreaming and goals setting. The mainstream approach is rooted in the go, go , go, work hard, stay busy culture we've been trained to operate in. So we try to do too much, push too hard, and exhaust ourselves. The more spiritual approach is also laden with big misunderstandings about manifesting, the law of attraction, and vision boards that lead to self criticism & stress later in the year.   

There is a different way. One that gives you access to deeper Wisdom that fuels  & focuses your desires personally & professionally.

A way that gives you....

Space.  Releasing the pressure to have your year figured out by Jan 15th. 

Insight. Into how to achieve in your work, without sacrificing your relationships or personal wellness. 

Focus +  Fluidity. So you operate in the flow vs. pushing, striving, and stretching yourself past capacity.

Clarity. On where to focus life force and resources in ways that sustain you - so you put the right amount of energy and time to projects, people and dreams vs. trying to do it all right now.

This is the way we naturally work best as women and humans... when we stop following the models of success and productivity set up for us, and start following our deep innate feminine wisdom.

In this special SALON episode: A Different Way to Dream and Achieve, I'll share with you a different approach for how to vision, focus and plan your year. So you have the wisdom, the practices, the processes for creating realities that sustain you and that are in alignment for who  you are and what you truly desire. 

It's taken me over a decade of living this way, after studying the mainstream business world and success models and then the more spiritual and personal growth models, to find this path. 

Tune in! 

Big heart



p.s. The Salon episodes are taken from the live Feminine Wisdom Sessions I do live throughout the year. I share the with you on the podcast so you can receive the wisdom. And you can also receive the video version.

p.p.s If you would like to see and receive the video version of this session, go to 

Also ... if you'd love support, structure and sisterhood to work, lead and live from your feminine wisdom and power, including our EMERGE 2020 Visioning and Intention Setting process, learn more at